Sunday, June 06, 2004

May 20th was apparently a bad karma day for me

I can't even tell you about the day because I can't remember anything about it! It's a red-letter day for me though, because it's the day that I crashed my bike on the way to work... I was only 4 miles from my home when I apparently hit something in the road and (I believe) flipped over the handlebars taking the bike over with me. I spent a week at Mass General Hospital and another week at Spaulding Rehab Hospital, both in Boston, and I'm now at home continuing my recovery. It will be a while before I have any more biking trips to talk about - in fact I've already canceled the first planned trip to Nova Scotia in a week and a half, and I'm afraid I'm going to have to cancel my Canadian Rockies trip for the end of July. My first goal is to get some broken bones and some head injuries to heal, then (of course) to fix my poor injured bicycle, and then (I hope) to get in shape for a bike tour of the Big Island of Hawaii at the end of October. I hope, I hope.

All I can say is that it's a very good thing that I was wearing a bicycle helmet - which now needs to be replaced, of course!