Wednesday, October 20, 2004

Fading colors, cool days, sandals!

It's really amazing how fast the colors seem to fade. It's still clearly autumn here, with a very cool and rainy day yesterday. This morning I noticed the change in the colors as I drove down route 125 on my way to work. The road is heavily wooded with a mixture of broad-leaf and evergreen trees. Two days ago there were more popping yellow, orange, and red leaves. This morning I noticed more browns. There are still trees that are wearing bright colors, and there are still trees that are wearing green - but it's clear that autumn is moving forward and creeping past the season of leaves.

And I'm still not ready for the change in seasons, which is probably evident by the fact that I'm still happily wearing my Chaco sandals during the day. I suppose when I come home from my "back to summer" vacation that I'll need to switch to closed toe shoes.