Sunday, March 14, 2004

Ah, my bike says it had a good ride today...

It was a little cool, only in the high 30s, but the wind was behaving today so it seemed like a good time for a ride. It felt really good to be out on the road again - even though I still needed to ride wearing a lot of layers. I can see that I've got a bit of training to do to get into good riding shape. I've been exercising all winter, but for some reason it's been harder to stick with riding my bike in the dining room... boring! Well, now I think I have a reason to focus - spring must be just around the corner! The equinox - the first day of spring - is next week. How long will we have to wait for the weather to catch up with the calendar? I'm dreaming of riding in shorts!

And speaking of dreaming, I'm still noodling on my 2004 vacation. My thoughts today turned back to Hawaii. Hmm... should I make another circuit around the Big Island this year? It's awfully tempting...