Sunday, March 21, 2004

It's spring, it's spring, but...

The weather wizard clearly hasn't figured this out yet, but yesterday was officially the first day of spring. It was still chilly yesterday, a little warmer today, but it is warm enough to keep melting that snow from last week. The brightly colored weather map was a storm blown out of proportion - about 6 to 8 inches of snow - enough to mess up the roads, and enough to keep snow melt on the sides of the roads. Yesterday I was a big baby - I didn't feel like coming home with a bike covered in grit, so I rode on the trainer in the dining room. Today was a different story. I had to get outside, and my bike was screaming to hit the road. It was a short ride, and I stayed on major roads that were dry instead of riding through puddles on the smaller roads. Another good early season ride... Now I just hope that the weather wizard fulfills the current forecast for next weekend. I won't tell you what it is because I don't want to jinx myself!