Wednesday, April 07, 2004

A beautiful day for a walk...

By the end of the day yesterday I was pretty cranky. Hmm... what's going on? Nothing out of the ordinary at the office, the same craziness - but maybe seeing the sunshine and knowing I was wasting it got to me. So today I decided to walk to the bookstore at lunchtime - a quick jaunt to the store (I'd guess about one and a half miles away), a 10 to 15 minute browse through some travel guidebooks, and another quick walk back to the office. That was a really good break!

But - no sidewalks? There actually were sidewalks a good part of the way, but there was a fairly nasty section (nasty means busy road with no shoulders and sidewalks) along with the need to cross a major road with no walk lights. It was short, but I really don't understand why the sidewalk wasn't continued!