Sunday, September 19, 2004

Cool and windy...

A nice blue sky greeted me this morning, but one filled with lots of wind and cool temperatures. I was very glad that I had wandered down to REI in that rain yesterday to replace the knee warmers that I lost in my crash back on May 20th. Funny, but knee warmers and leg warmers aren't on the shelves in most bike shops through the summer. I needed and wore my new knee warmers today since it was in the low 50s when my bike and I headed out today. Luckily I didn't need the arm warmers too since I ordered those over the web. REI had the standard black arm warmers, but I was drawn in by the Sheila Moon arm warmers on the Team Estrogen web site - I ordered a pair of those in purple, definitely an improvement over the normal black!

It was a beautiful day, but definitely one with a chill in the air. I guess I'd better get used to it as the fall temperatures become more usual occurrences. It looks like it will warm up again during the week, but last night the temperatures went down into the 40s, and it's supposed to be chilly again tonight. Good sleeping weather...