Thursday, September 09, 2004

Rain, rain, rain... sun & rainbows... oh, it's getting dark!

What a crazy weather day! Today what was left of Hurricane Frances - definitely no longer a hurricane - wandered through the Boston area. The morning dawned with an amazing downpour, and I thought it would stay very gray all day. Around lunchtime I looked outside and saw blue sky with some scattered small white clouds, so I went for my mid-day walk. I was back at my desk for maybe a half of an hour when I turned around and saw a dark sky again, with lots of water pouring down. Wow, that was close. If I'd still been out walking I probably would have needed to go home to get dry clothes!

It cleared again, and I saw a beautiful rainbow as I drove home - so beautiful that I was very sorry that I didn't have my camera with me.

As I headed out for an after dinner walk, I saw some of my neighbors returning. We laughed as they told me I was probably going to get wet; the sky was a deep gray again, and not just an end of the day gray. I was lucky and managed not to take an outdoor shower. And as I returned home I could actually see shades of blue emerging from under the dark clouds that were rapidly blowing away.

I wonder what tonight will bring...